FreeCADで動くPythonスクリプト その1(断面性能)


 XY平面,XZ平面, YZ平面のいずれかに平行に配置されていることを想定しています


# Properties of Section
# Show Area, Length, Boundary, Center of mass, Second moment of area, Product of inertia,
#      Radius of gyration, Principal moments of inertia, Principal axes and Section modulus of Selected-Object
# Section must be located on a Cartesian coordinate plane.

import Draft

def norm(a, b, c=0):
    """ Return norm of argument numbers """ 
    return (a**2 + b**2 + c**2)**(1/2)

def section_modulus(shape):
    """ Calculate Section modulus from argument shape """ 
    BBx = shape.BoundBox
    CoM = shape.CenterOfMass
    # Calculate distance from the neutral axis to the most extreme fibre
    x1 = abs(BBx.XMax - CoM.x)
    x2 = abs(BBx.XMin - CoM.x)
    y1 = abs(BBx.YMax - CoM.y)
    y2 = abs(BBx.YMin - CoM.y)
    z1 = abs(BBx.ZMax - CoM.z)
    z2 = abs(BBx.ZMin - CoM.z)
    MoI = shape.MatrixOfInertia
    Ixx = MoI.A11
    Iyy = MoI.A22
    Izz = MoI.A33
    Z1 = FreeCAD.Vector(Ixx/norm(y1, z1), Iyy/norm(x1, z1), Izz/norm(x1, y1))
    Z2 = FreeCAD.Vector(Ixx/norm(y2, z2), Iyy/norm(x2, z2), Izz/norm(x2, y2))
    return Z1, Z2

def plot_point(vector_a):
    """ Plot point from argument vector """ 
    point = Draft.make_point(vector_a)
    Draft.autogroup(point) # Not required after version 0.19?

def plot_line(vector_a, vector_b):
    """ Plot line from argument vectors """ 
    line = Draft.make_line(vector_a, vector_b)
    Draft.autogroup(line) # Not required after version 0.19?

def plot_principal_axes(shape):
    """ Plot principal axes from argument shape """
    BBx = shape.BoundBox
    CoM = shape.CenterOfMass
    length_axis = norm(BBx.XMax-CoM.x, BBx.YMax-CoM.y, BBx.ZMax-CoM.z)
    I_eivect1 = shp.PrincipalProperties.pop("FirstAxisOfInertia")
    I_eivect2 = shp.PrincipalProperties.pop("SecondAxisOfInertia")
    I_eivect3 = shp.PrincipalProperties.pop("ThirdAxisOfInertia")
    # FreeCAD.Console.PrintMessage("Principal axis 1 = {}\n".format(I_eivect1))
    # FreeCAD.Console.PrintMessage("Principal axis 2 = {}\n".format(I_eivect2))
    # FreeCAD.Console.PrintMessage("Principal axis 3 = {}\n".format(I_eivect3))
    plot_line(CoM, CoM + length_axis*I_eivect1)
    plot_line(CoM, CoM + length_axis*I_eivect2)
    plot_line(CoM, CoM + length_axis*I_eivect3)

# Get Selected-Object to obj
obj = FreeCADGui.Selection.getSelection()

if len(obj):
    shp = obj[0].Shape # Get shp as shape from obj
    # Show Area of shp
    FreeCAD.Console.PrintMessage("-------- Properties of Section  --------\n")
    FreeCAD.Console.PrintMessage("Area = %f\n" % shp.Area)
    # Show Length of shp
    FreeCAD.Console.PrintMessage("Length = %f\n" % shp.Length)
    # Show Boundary box of shp
    BBx = shp.BoundBox
    FreeCAD.Console.PrintMessage("Boundary box = (%f, %f, %f, %f, %f, %f)\n" % \
                                 (BBx.XMin, BBx.XMax, BBx.YMin, BBx.YMax, BBx.ZMin, BBx.ZMax))
    # Show Center of mass of shp
    CoM = shp.CenterOfMass
    FreeCAD.Console.PrintMessage("Center of mass = (%f, %f, %f)\n" % (CoM.x, CoM.y, CoM.z))
    # Show Second moment of area and Product of inertia of shp
    MoI = shp.MatrixOfInertia
    FreeCAD.Console.PrintMessage("Second moment of area = (%f, %f, %f)\n" % (MoI.A11, MoI.A22, MoI.A33))
    FreeCAD.Console.PrintMessage("Product of inertia = (%f, %f, %f)\n" % (MoI.A12, MoI.A13, MoI.A23))
    # Show Radius of gyration
    Rg = shp.PrincipalProperties.pop("RadiusOfGyration")
    FreeCAD.Console.PrintMessage("Radius of gyration = {}\n".format(Rg))
    # Show Principal moments of inertia and Principal axes
    I_eivals = shp.PrincipalProperties.pop("Moments")
    FreeCAD.Console.PrintMessage("Principal moments of inertia = {}\n".format(I_eivals))
    # Plot point as Center of mass
    FreeCAD.ActiveDocument.Point.Label = "center_of_mass"
    # Plot lines as Principal axes
    FreeCAD.ActiveDocument.Line.Label = "principal_axis_1"
    FreeCAD.ActiveDocument.Line001.Label = "principal_axis_2"
    FreeCAD.ActiveDocument.Line002.Label = "principal_axis_3"
    # Calculate Section modulus
    Z1, Z2 = section_modulus(shp)
    FreeCAD.Console.PrintMessage("Section modulus = (%f, %f, %f, %f, %f, %f)\n" % \
                                                    (Z1.x, Z2.x, Z1.y, Z2.y, Z1.z, Z2.z))
    FreeCAD.Console.PrintMessage("-------- No valid setected object! --------\n")



Area				断面積(mm2)
Length				周長(mm)
Boundary box			境界枠(X1, X2, Y1, Y2, Z1, Z2)(mm)
Center of mass			図心(X, Y, Z)(mm)
Second moment of area		断面2次モーメント(Ixx, Iyy, Izz)(mm4)
Product of inertia		慣性乗積(Ixy, Ixz, Iyz)(mm4)
Radius of gyration		回転半径(R1, R2, R3)(mm)
Principal moments of inertia	主慣性モーメント(I1, I2, I3)(mm4)
Section modulus			断面係数(Zx1, Zx2, Zy1, Zy2, Zz1, Zz2)(mm3)


・正常に実行されればReport viewに断面性能が出力されます


